Michael Bramwell

Welcome to my website! This basic layout is only to keep my domain up and running whilst I finish coding my own website from scatch.

My name is Michael Bramwell, I'm 22 and from Durham in Northern England. I am a Computer Science graduate as of July 2021

I am an avid skiier, swimmer and scuba diver and have been privileged enough to see some amazing underwater sights, I also like the technical side too with the physics and engineering of the gear used to explore the depths of the ocean, so it probably comes as no surprise to tell you that I indeed have my PADI license, something I like to make the most out of whenever I can. Cinematography is a serious interest of mine; I just love learning how things are made and created which feeds into my degree of learning to create digital systems and software. I do have serious passion for cooking, whilst I do own my fair share of cookbooks I also like to experiment and try out new flavours from different cultures and their dishes and I have a fairly recent new interest in brewery, something my university housemates were keen I pursue. 🍻